Thursday, July 5, 2012

Peace be unto thy soul

Life... Ha! Its never what we expect or want. I've been thrown quite a few curve balls in the last 2 months. So many emotional roller coasters that I thought I would never have to experience. But, the greatest part is that the Lord Almighty is teaching me and using every experience to talk to me and better me as a servant and daughter of Heavenly Father. Needless to say, I am still a little bit confused. I have been learning a lot about myself and the person that God wants me to be lately. Not exactly how I would have asked for the lesson to be taught, but in retrospect I am always grateful that it has happened the way it has.

I have been blessed with lots of time and examples to reflect upon what I want to allow into my life. For instance, what kind of people I want as friends, what kind of movies or media I want to allow into my life, what clothing I want to wear, what I want my vernacular to consist of, and most importantly (when the far off day arrives) what I want in a spouse. Its funny how we can learn those things in the oddest circumstances. In my reflection I often find myself discouraged, thinking that I am not enough or worthy of the Lord. But thank heavens for his servants that are listening to the Holy Ghost and have heeded to the promptings and been there for me. Those are the kind of people that I hope to be more like.

I've recently found myself extremely disillusioned and disappointed with someone that I deeply respected and loved for a very long time. Its been an interesting experience. At first, it really tore me apart. I was really shook up over the fact that I felt that I couldn't talk to this person about anything, or that they were extremely short and cutting with their words, or that they were not true to their word. Finally, I grabbed up all my tissues and ended my little pity party. This is a blessing that the Lord gave me to examine where I am at in my life and to decide what kinds of people I chose to have in my life. At first, I didn't know what I should do... then I yielded my will to the Lord. And can I say... its the best decision that I have ever made! My heart may not have been safe in the hands of someone else... but its safe with the Lord! :) He will never let me down. He gives me peace.

God loves us all. Through my seemingly miniscule trials God has comforted me as he has all of his children... Doctrine and Covenants 121:7-8 is one of my favorite scriptures of ALL time. "My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes." I love knowing that even as my heart aches, the Lord cares! Moreover, as our neighborhood has seen a fatal tragedy and one of the Lord's chosen son's passed away this last week, he too loves that boy's family! God LOVES us. He gives us peace when we need it most. I know this with all of the conviction that is in my soul.

My last few months may not have gone as I planned... but its gone as the Lord plans. I am not worried about what tomorrow holds. He has spoken peace to me! I wish everyone in the whole world could experience the peace that I feel as a result of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Luckily, I have an opportunity to share that with the world... in a mere 439 days! :) haha... (Yes, I know! I am pathetic. I DO have a countdown to the earliest time that I can serve a mission. But its the best countdown I've ever had!!)

Lastly, music is my solace. I have found that in my greatest moments of joy, or in the deepest of sorrow that there is a song that I can relate to. So, I thought I would share a few songs that calm my soul. Whatever you are going through... Peace be unto thy soul!! Surely the Lord God will carry you through whatever it is you are facing.

1 comment:

  1. I love this!! :) You are so strong and I loved every paragraph! My favorite part is the where you talk about your life not going as you planned but as the Lord planned.

    I've had the same realization lately with school. It was SO hard and I got SO upset, but there's a reason for everything. The saying, "Faith in the Lord includes Faith in His timing." has meant so much to me lately, just because I feel like I'm having to put more faith in his timing, than anything else!!

    And I'm counting down to serving a mission too :)
