Saturday, April 28, 2012

Quick Update

There is so much to say. I guess I will update you on the happenings of my life:

Robin and I after her baptism
1. One of the most excited things that has happened to me is that one of my best friends, Robin, decided to get baptized into the church! I was so stoked for her. I haven't been happier for anyone in such a long time. When she called to tell me that she'd met with the missionaries and felt that she should be baptized, it was all I could think about. She is such a strong, beautiful daughter of God and has always and a great relationship with Heavenly Father. It was about time that she feel the spirit of the church and make the choice to come into the most amazing blessing that I have been given, the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. She overcame a lot of opposition to get to this point and despite the difficulties she faced, she went through with it. I am SO proud of her. I will always admire converts to the church...

2. I had the incredible opportunity to spend a few weeks in New York City for Model United nations this March and April. It was a blast. I have never had so much fun on a vacation my entire life. I made some of the best friends and know that they will last a forever. I became very close with one particular boy, that is my new big brother. He is a great listener and we developed a report that was unprecedented for me. I am usually so slow to trust and open up to people. But he is someone I felt comfortable with immediately. I am grateful for that relationship and the friendship that we will have... forever. I also became extremely close with 2 other girls and another guy. It is so much fun to have a silly, random group to play with. We saw eachother literally everyday after being home. We even found the Utah equivalents to some of our favorite NYC attractions. The "No Malice Palace"... where I don't get kicked out! The "Shake Shack" where the lines aren't as long, a lobby... with no hour long elevator ride, etc. I feel blessed and know for a fact that this experience changed my life and will forever be remembered. More to come on this! I'll break down each wonderful day in New York. Good times...
Our team outside the UN building with our awards!

The Teen Winner and I being crowed
 3. I won Miss Idaho! Woo hoo. It is something that I have wanted to do for years. I finally achieved my dreams. And it was NOT easy. I faced so much rejection and failure before I got to this point. But, it has finally paid off. I do not do pageants "for the heck of it" or because I thoroughly enjoy pretending like I am barbie in 8 inch heels in a swimsuit. I do pageants so that I can have a voice for issues and people will listen to me, as well as for scholarship money for school. I am not your typical pageant girl. But, I would love to represent well for Idaho at nationals and show them that a girl can still be modest and beautiful. More importantly, while we are in Illinois for nationals, we are also going to Nauvoo.... which is a historic LDS town, where Joseph Smith and pioneers lived and where the Martyrdom of Hyrum and Joseph Smith occured. A very sacred and beautiful place. I cannot wait! :) I am truly blessed.

4. MY BESTEST FRIEND COMES HOME SOON. Its so surreal. I can't believe its been so long. Today I got a letter from him. Literally nothing makes me happier. Everytime I get a letter from him, I am on cloud 9 all day. I am continually edified and learn so much about myself and the gospel through our correspondance. Its been a blessing for me in all that I have learned while he has been away. I hope that I can continue to grow and progress in the gospel before he comes home and after he returns. I have missed the connection and friendship that we had before and look forward to resuming that upon his arrival home. On the other hand, I don't want him to come home yet. I know how happy the work makes him and I know how much good he is doing for the Lord. I also know how much he helps me to progress  in the gospel because of his service. I pray that he doesn't come home and realize how far behind him I am. Because if he does, he will drop me so fast and never look back! HAHA. Anyways....

To sum up my life since my last post... I am BLESSED! I have the greatest life. I may not have everything I want or an disposable income, but I am so happy. I can attribute my happiness to the goodness of the Lord. God is good!!!